29 Maret 2011

Preserving Our Natural

Trees are the breath of human life, and without which the human will die. Because trees are the lungs of the world. But until now there are many barren land due to logging is not accompanied by reforestation or replanting. Likewise, the authorities would not maximized in an effort to build community awareness. How to create public awareness to always build harmony between man, nature, and environment. "What to do now is how people are motivated to preserve the environment through tree planting. Since no other environmental damage is a result of human greed that has caused the wrath of nature so that disasters such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, etc., befall Indonesia. With so many events caused by nature, certainly in our mind will arise a question, "When Indonesia's forests will be lush and green again?" Piecemeal efforts are certainly major project by the authorities, but what's wrong let's start at the smallest scope, ie from the environment around us. Because the earth is our home, so must we watch and care. For the future remains good and we can pass on to our grandchildren as the next generation. Surely if we can do all that inner happiness and of course do to save the environment more pleasant. If this is achieved of course Indonesia can be green and lush again. Because we are more friendly to nature, peace and environmental sustainability will be realized. Green leafy my world ...

28 Maret 2011

Internet World Window

Do you agree if you access the Internet has become our needs? More than 80 percent of world population, that access to the internet has become their needs, including the writer himself. Due to access the Internet, people will be so fast to get new info from around the world.With the Internet as if the world is before us, the info you need so easily and quickly. From news to phenomena that occur in the world that we live in today. The more we frequently access the Internet, the more extensive our knowledge, of course, on the positive things.From the internet as if we could view the world in which we live is the wise and prudent. As a small example would be a natural phenomenon that occurs, the depletion of the ozone layer in the layers of our atmosphere, causing the melting of icebergs, which have an impact on increasing our volume of sea water. Not to mention with the denudation of our forests which would become the lungs of the world, are now beginning to be threatened its sustainability.All that, of course, will have an impact for this universe, like the change of seasons, especially in Indonesia has been felt, so often different from the forecast all of us. Of course, with the phenomenon does not irregular season will itself, will greatly affect the residents of this universe of course. Coupled with the greenhouse effect is so incessant currently emphasized by the appropriate authorities in order to reduce the manufacture of home using excessive amount of glass.Surely the author himself felt concerned about the consequences caused by natural changes so quickly and clearly felt the consequences. So who else will care about the preservation of nature itself, if we are less concerned as a resident of nature itself will be a mini-style preservation.Whereas the preservation of nature is of course dependent on the occupants, not by a factor of nature itself. Surely we should be more in favor of preserving nature, because nature preservation will be more sustainable if the occupants of this nature mutual care of each other.Conservation of nature is certainly not just for today, because of how the fate of our children and grandchildren later, when from day to day sustainability increasingly contaminated by pollution.The author invites, we are all not too late to be more friendly toward the environment, with increasingly friendly with the preservation of the natural course of this nature will return more sustainable.This is where so much of the benefits of the Internet as a window into the world, we can share with a fellow Antero universe.Hopefully with this limitation, at least can remind us again of the importance of preservation of nature in which we live this. That is so obvious to the internet presence of the course more advanced science and technology can make our better nature, not with so rapid progress of science and technology will actually result in a less good for the universe. Hopefully ...

27 Maret 2011

By Computer Work Faster

Computer presence in front of us was more condense time and to simplify the equipment. For example, Dapa time ago before the computer is very clearly the difference, so long time that we need not to mention the equipment that we must provide to handle a job.
But with the presence of computers at this time, the work can be done with old had a little time. Similarly, a tough job though, but with the tools this one can be solved so easily.
Of course, all of which can not be separated from how the level of skill and perseverance that each of us. The more diligent we are to understand a knowledge of course the faster we can to understand it. With more responsive to the arrival of new knowledge in front of us, is where how we respond, as a challenge or as an obstacle.
For those who thought the coming of new knowledge as a challenge, of course, with persistence will act quickly to respond. With the provided reasonable and of course our thoughts more wise and prudent to what came over us.
With thought wise and prudent course, we will be more felt good to yourself and those around us. There we would really feel the growth and development of ourselves, of course, barometers or other measuring devices that do not come from the assessment of others. Because someone else who will give value to each one of us. At the level where we now stand upon the success in our work.
Hopefully ....

26 Maret 2011

What is Google Adsense?

At present, many Indonesian people flocked to know more about Google Adsense. Penulispun certainly do not want to miss more enthusiastically anxious to know. Little by little begin to understand the existence of Google Adsense. Understandably the author himself is still clueless about computers, then with the rapid developments that were increasingly webblog increased people who engaged in it, the writer with all the limitations of course want to know more detailed again.
Google Adsense is a program created by Google are in the program itself the user can display a variety of things in accordance with the needs of users themselves. Like the ads, by advertising, of course, very great benefit to be felt by the users themselves. In addition, the content of such ads is usually a text link or image commersil to be installed on a website or blog. In general the form of text or images that contain a link or a Search box or a box for search. With the Adsense program is very helpful for the user to promote a productnya. Ads that will be installed more quickly spread to every corner of the world.
With the Adsense ads of course the owner is very helpful, and certainly more efficient and effective. As more people use the internet of course for those who are searching for a purpose that is needed will be obtained faster. Because of the link or the image will be adjusted to the content of the website automatically by Google's advertisers. For example, the website associated with ebok Adsense advertisers have anything to do with the ebook.

How not interested, just to make capital website / blog advertise that will be so spread to every corner. That's a little view of the writer who can describe, is certainly far from perfect, still needs to learn a lot and more diligent again. Understandably still a beginner. Remember! Getting started is the beginning of success. Hopefully ...

25 Maret 2011

Better Generation

Progress of Science and Technology increasingly fast sped its development. Like, a computer which in former times is still a luxury item, but with the rapid development of science and technology, now almost every house already has a computer name.This can not be denied again, for anyone who does not want to miss the development of knowledge, or the more extreme again crushed by science and technology, of course, we have to follow the development of science and technology itself.Our generation is now very rapid development of science and technology will feel itself. Today is studying a new program or software that, while we can not yet mastered, there are more programs / software that is new again. On the other hand is very good for the development of science, but on the other hand we are so hard to catch up.Indeed, the development of science and technology itself so fast, so we are forced to move quickly to catch our knowledge. Here the author really feel will the development of science and technology at this time, when compared with previous years. In former times the writer can control, at least recognize the existence of the program / software, but now it is not overtaken by time and limitations of the coming program / software so quickly from day to day, week to week and even from month to month.Thus the authors assume that the day after our generation will be more intelligent and broad knowledge of science. Our first example is so difficult to learn computers, but the current generation as our children are already very familiar with the computer name. This proves that future generations will definitely be more intelligent than previous generations.But surely there can not be denied the positive and negative impacts of the development of knowledge itself. But of course the impact is going to cause can not be separated from the users themselves. For an intelligent user of course will always place the presence of a science and technology and knowledge is only for support, so that could create a generation better and better course.Hopefully ...

24 Maret 2011

Be Yourself

We were created by God is different, because the difference we will be able to learn and we understand in detail, we must be grateful for all that, will look and feel more beautiful. However, not least because of the difference itself that could give birth to wedge-wedge that arises from the heart, which ultimately end up not good, hmm what is that? Sometimes we feel inferior to a friend or someone else who is infinitely greater and more special than our personal, self-confidence will be eroded because we feel there is a shortage or maybe lower.
Is this the name "self confidence murder" But oh my friends, if the circumstances around us also to develop themselves, why do not we do it? Come on guys ... We have the ability! We have the ability to be ourselves, and then develop it. Believe me ... ;).
What is the answer ourselves, if someone asks about who you are? We can not know until we try. There may be many more of us that would answer a name, position, or even biological status in the family. It's just that the answers that come from the question itself is not the case. Try to ask ourselves, who we really are? I picked up this theme, because I want to share and invite friends to better recognize all our hearts deeper, our souls, our personal, and who really are we? Has all this time we find it? Let us study more closely together by ourselves. Agree? :)

22 Maret 2011

Intel Corporation

JAKARTA - MICOM: Intel Corporation, the world's leading computer chip manufacturer, has launched the second generation Intel Core family that provides a richer visual experience to customers in Indonesia.

Second-generation processor family from Intel, the Intel Core i3, i5, and i7, is the microarchitecture that combines visual and 3D graphics technology, with the performance of microprocessors in a single chip.

"second-generation processor family from Intel's Core is a technological leap for Intel this year," said Santosh Viswanathan, Intel's Country Manager for Indonesia in a press conference in Jakarta.

As a result the latest Intel technology, it has a unique and rich visual features such as Intel Quick Sync is Intel HD Video and Graphics.

"The presence of integrated graphics processor in the visual performance of the processor chip enables more intelligent and adaptive than previous generations," he added.

The processor is the distance between its transistors only 32 nano-meters was also supported by the Intel Turbo Boost Technology 2.0 which gives a better computing experience, a qualified power management, more efficient, and longer battery life.

According to Viswanathan, several advantages of the new processors that include the ability to display the 3D display, better video editing, game playing experience more qualified, more rich visual experience, performance and quickly adapt.

For the sake of socializing generation processors both in Indonesia that Intel also has been holding various international and local vendors such as Acer, Asus, Toshiba, Dell, HP, Lenovo, Bhineka, C-Cube, MSI, Samsung, Toshiba, Zyrex, Extron, Gateway, Link, and T-Zone.

"We believe with the support of local partners and multinational companies in Indonesia we will provide Intel's success in Indonesia," said Debjani Gosh, director of Intel South East Asia. (Ant/OL-9) (Source: Media Indonesia)

21 Maret 2011

Working Smart and Productive

Sometimes we think and ask yourself, how to have the work we do in the office do not seem boring, because so long time we've passed so far it seems not yet clearly answered. After thinking and ask your friends, start to feel a little relieved with the help of friends. Certainly not many writers who can share, but hopefully the author can help the writer had ever experienced. Some ways for you to become more productive among others, in addition to motivation one of them also required a commitment of oneself. With the commitment to yourself, eat there will be a spirit or a refresher course on ourselves, because if this is already accustomed to all would be easier. Therefore, then consider the following tips:
1. Work a little earlier, work a little harder, and enjoy the work was by adding more time.
2. More optimal in order to improve productivity by doing the job that you think is easy, when you work for someone else to do with effort.
3. Do it with the team for this kind of heavy work.
4. Choosing the right person to do the job if need help from others, so the job can be completed in a timely way.

20 Maret 2011

Enjoy Your Life

Sometimes we do not have time to refresh our-self. Busyness that accumulate to make us often forget the holidays and recreation. If we know the importance of visiting places of recreation, we would certainly make a holiday to the tourist attractions as a primary need that is essential to happiness and health living.
There are several benefits we can get to familiarize yourself frequent visits to places of recreation, especially if the travel is outside the province, outside the country or outside the continent.People who go on holiday is nothing but aims to relax the mind due to saturation of everyday life and problems faced. Of course, this will provide a positive impact on one's self.Usually the constraint which is the reason people are lazy to do the recreation is a matter of cost. Remember that the money could be sought, but the happiness of life is something that is very expensive, can not be rewarded with money.The benefits to recreation are as follows:
Reducing the risk of the stress of life issuesHave a look at recreation venues presenting something you love.For example if you are a fanatical interest in natural attractions, you can go to a natural tourist attraction that interests you.Enjoy your holiday with a good atmosphere, forget all the problems of saturation in the office and at home. Calm your mind to relax in a place of recreation. If your mind is calm and relaxed, then you will have a good solution in solving various problems.

Restore the harmonious relationship with loved onesNothing wrong in your weekend to get used to vacation with family.If during these children often protest over the family togetherness that is rarely felt, then a vacation together is one way to restore the harmony.This habit will make family members happy. Fun will be present in the midst of the family.